Pensions For Miners

August 1929

The Scotsman – Friday 02 August 1929

Pensions For Miners

Revision is taking place of the pension schemes in operation at the Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries , and also at Maltby Main Colliery , South Yorkshire , so that a reserve fund may be built up

Hitherto, the workmen have contributed 2d per week each, and boys Id per week , and the colliery company a similar amount .

From the accumulated fund, miners who attain the age of 65 arc entitled to a pension based upon the period of contribution .

The contributories at Denaby and Cadeby have agreed to pay an additional penny per week in the case of the men, and halfpenny per week in the case of boys.

Since 1925, when the fund was started at Denaby and Cadeby , the workers have contributed £3806 and the colliery company £ 3820 . The Maltby Main contributories are also being asked to agree to pay the increased contribution.