Mexborough and Swinton Times March 18, 1927
Perilous Pastures Bridge
Carrying 500 Buses a Day
Douglas Hayes, 20, a motor driver of Mexborough, and Tom Kelly, a motor mechanic of Conisbrough, were summoned at Doncaster on Tuesday for having driven over the Pasture Bridge, at the Old Toll Bar, Mexborough, to the danger of the public.
Mr Burton, prosecuting for the West Riding County Council, said the pasture Bridge at Mexborough was in a very dangerous condition, and was being reconstructed. If buses were to go over the bridge at a very fast rate the bridge would probably break. In that case he said it was not so much a danger to the public, except in the bridge dropping, as it was to the danger of the passengers in the bus.
Henry Howard Bembridge, the clerk of the works at the reconstruction of the bridge, employed by the West Riding County Council, said that on February 10 a motor bus driven by Kelly approached the bridge from the direction of Mexborough at a very fast rate. He waved his hand for the bus to slow, and the flagman also waved his flags. The bus however passed over the bridge at an estimated speed of 20 mph. Witness stated that if a bus pass over the bridge at more than 5 mph the bridge was liable to crash to pieces.
The Chairman (Mr GE Cook Yarborough): How long as the bridge been like this?
For about 18 months, according to my experience. There was no danger if the buses went over slowly. Warning notices have been posted, and he had also warned the drivers of the fact.
Mr Frank Allen, who defended, asked how the flagman waved his flags. Witness said they were waved in a zigzag manner.
Mr Allen: Do you know your flag men and others, had been absolutely a nuisance. It was nearly impossible to tell what they meant.
the charge against Hayes was the same, and Bembridge stated he himself would not ride over the bridge as it was at present. There were approximately 500 buses went over the bridge daily.
The charge against Kelly was dismissed, and Hayes was fined 10 shillings