Petition over Conisbrough Rents – Against Council, not Rents Bill

April 1957

South Yorkshire Times April 6, 1957

Petition over Conisbrough Rents
Against Council, not Rents Bill

Council tenants on the Windmill estate, Conisbrough, are to present a petition to Conisbrough UDC protesting against an increase in rent and rates, and demanding to know exactly what proportion of the increase is in rates and how much is rent.

Organiser of the petition is Mrs HM Shelton, of 69, Windmill Avenue. By Wednesday, Mr Shelton had received over 150 signatures.

Helping her is a neighbour, Mrs E Lawley. Both consider the increases unjustifiable since, they claim, few improvements and repairs have been made to Council houses in the past two or three years.

“I think that this Council thinks far too much of the collier. In this essay we have railwaymen, labourers and tradesmen, but their point of view is never considered by this Council,” said Mrs Lawley.