Leeds Mercury – Monday 09 May 1938
Pit Cage Crashes Down Shaft
During Trial Winding At Cadeby Main
A cage at Cadeby Main Colliery, Conisborough, yesterday crashed down the 750 yards deep shaft. Fortunately no men were at work in the pit at the time and the drawing of coal had finished, although men who had just left the pit head the crash and saw dense clouds of dust the pit head gear as they were on their way home.
It is understood the mishap occurred when a trial winding was being made.
The 20 foot deep cage crashed into a sump at the bottom of the shaft with such force that it was concertinaed until its depth was only 4’6”.
It was learned today that work will not be available tomorrow unless the management make a call. The management will indicate to the miner’s representatives during the day how long it will be before work can be resumed.
10 men are engaged at the pit bottom affecting repairs. 2000 men are affected by the mishap.
Sheffield Independent – Monday 16 May 1938
After having been idle for the past eight days owing to a Pit Cage crash, 2000 miners at Cadeby Main Colliery, Conisborough, will resume work today.