Pit Fire at Cadeby – Most of Parkgate Seam Sealed Off

May 1944

South Yorkshire Times, May 27th,1944

Pit Fire at Cadeby

Most of Parkgate Seam Sealed Off

For three and a half days rescuers and miners fought an underground fire which broke out in the Parkgate seam at Cadeby Main Colliery last week-end, and after strenuous efforts had been made to quell the outbreak, it was found necessary to seal off a large part of the seam.

The fire was discovered about 4 p.m. on Saturday in 234’s cross gate and there was an immediate call for trained rescue workers from Wath Rescue Station.  They went into the seam wearing breathing apparatus but working in relays they improved the position sufficiently by Sunday to discard apparatus.  Attacking the fire with sand and water they gained some initial success, but the fire persisted and they were driven back.  It became apparent that the area would have to be sealed off, and this was successfully done in the presence of H. M. Inspector of Mines and the men’s inspectors on Wednesday morning.

As the process of fighting the fire continued, more men had to be called upon until most of the men employed in the seam were at one time or another engaged in the task.  Precautions for their safety were constantly maintained, and throughout the operations no one was injured.

The Parkgate seam employs roughly a quarter of the 1,200 men and boys at the colliery and the sealed off part provided work for about 250 of this number.  It is hoped to find work for them in the Barnsley seam at the pit.  Among equipment which had to be abandoned in the sealed district were two conveyor units.