Pit Lads Lightning Strike

March 1938

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – Thursday 03 March 1938

Pit Idle Through One Boy

Cause of Standstill at Cadeby Main

One boy was the cause of Cadeby Main Collery, Conisborough, being brought to a standstill to-day.

The boy, alleged to have been guilty of breaches of colliery regulations, was informed by the management that he would dismissed. About 125 fellow pit boys engaged on the afternoon shift refused, in a sympathy strike, to descend the pit and. consequence, about 350 men who had already gone down the shaft were unable work and had to return home.

Officials of the Cadeby Main branch the Y.M.A, addressed the boys at the union headquarters at Conisborough to-night, and It was unanimously agreed, after a 90 minutes discussion, that work should resumed forthwith. It expected that full resumption work will have taken place the afternoon shift to-morrow.

The Y.M.A. officials will meet the management as soon work has been resumed to negotiate the dismissed boy’s case.


Sheffield Independent – Thursday 17 March 1938

Pit Lads Summoned

Summonses issued by the proprietors of Cadeby Main Colliery. Conisborough, against 150 pit lads for alleged breach of contract are returnable at Doncaster West Riding Police Court on Friday.

The Company is claiming damages ranging from 15s. to 19s, per lad and the claims are a sequel to a one-shift lightning strike at the pit recently when the boys came out in sympathy with fellow pit lad who had been dismissed for alleged breaches of colliery regulations.


Leeds Mercury – Saturday 19 March 1938

Pit Lads

Cadeby Colliery Strike Settled

Claims by Denaby Amalgamated Ltd., against 76 youths employed at Cadeby Colliery, were settled at Doncaster to-day.

It was announced that three claims had been withdrawn and in the remaining 73 cases, defendants agreed to pay 10s and costs.

Mr A. S. Furniss, for the company said that on March 1 a boy was told he was to be dismissed. On the following day 76 lads refused to go to work. With the result that 160 colliers could not works.

The boys had undertaken that lightning strikes would not occur again, and officials had given them to understand that if there was any Intimidation of younger lads by older ones, those who were prepared to go to work would be given protection.