Pit Lads’ Quarrel – Safety Lamp Used as a Missile

January 1913

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 11 January 1913

Pit Lads’ Quarrel

Safety Lamp Used as a Missile

Having improperly used a safety lamp was a charge preferred against George Storey, a driver, of Denaby.

He pleaded guilty.

Mr Gichard said that it was important that these lamps should be used with the greatest care. It appeared in this case that defendant and another lad had been having a quarrel and were throwing down one another’s coats. The defendant picked up his lamp and threw it at to the other, but, luckily, did not hit him. The lamp, however, was broken, but the light immediately went out.

Ordered to pay 2/6 and costs, or 14 days.