Planning a Trip to New Zealand

May 1967

South Yorkshire Times, May 13

Planning a Trip to New Zealand

Denaby Co-Operative Society Manager, Mr George Barber, and Mrs Barber, are to go out to New Zealand to see their daughter, Carol, and their son-in-law, Mr Paul Fletcher of Mexborough, who emigrated six years ago.

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Mr and Mrs Fletcher went out in connection with Mr Fletcher’s work in the building trade and by the time the job was completed they liked the life so much they decided to stay. Although they have, of course, corresponded regularly with Mrs Fletcher’s parents, they have not seen her parents since 1961.

Now, arrangements have been made for Mr and Mrs Barbara, of 19, Coldstream Avenue, Wanrmsworth, to sail to New Zealand in the Southern Cross early in December for a six-month stay. They will be in Titahi Bay, 40 miles north of Wellington. They will sail out by the Panama canal route and will return via the Cape. Mr and Mrs Fletcher have two children, a boy aged two and a daughter born on April 30th.

Over 40 years

Mr Barber, who has been employed by Denaby Co-operative Society for over 40 years, told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week, “we have been planning this trip for 12 months now; it was the arrival of our grandchildren which promoted us finally to get on with it, although we naturally want to see our daughter and son-in-law as well.”

Despite their early December departure, Mr and Mrs Barber will not arrive until January 10 and will spend Christmas aboard ship. They will arrive back in England in the following June.