Planning The Denaby Main Revolution.

September 1969

South Yorkshire Times, September 27th, 1969.

A bright new Denaby Main with centrally heated semi detached houses emerging in 10 years. This was the picture drawn by conisbrough Labour Councillors at a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss the future of Denaby.

“The cost will be high, but the cost in terms of human misery, disease and delinquency will be higher if conditions are allowed to remain as they are,” declared County Coun. J. Prendergast Chairman of the council’s Housing Committee.

He told a meeting at Denaby and Cadeby Miners Welfare that the Council had set a target of buildings over 1,600 dwellings by the end of the 1970’s.

Cramped living conditions would not be tolerated, he said, and 1,000 of Denaby’s 7,000 would be rehoused outside the village to make for better living accommodation.

New Shopping Centres.

Three new shopping centres, a new system of roads separating people from traffic, two new schools and a variety of dwellings, including semi detached houses, flats and bungalows, would make for a new Denaby, he said.

“Slum clearance and the redevelopment of Denaby is of the utmost importance if we are to do the best for the present generation and our children and grandchildren,” County Coun. Prendergast added.

“It is our intention that the Council houses will be equal to private houses,” he said. But he warned that rents may be comparatively high. “This is something we cannot avoid,” he said. “Costs are going up annually, an loan sanction is not fourthcoming if we do not builds up to these high standards.”

For Single People

A large variety of dwellings will be built, including accommodation for the young single person.

“People will not be passing each others doors and windows,” Mr. Prendergast explained.

He revealed that the county council were to build two modern schools to replace the primary schools at Rossington and Balby Street.

The immediate problems of development, including removing the hard core of bricks, were being cleared up. Old familiar streets would be long lines of terraced houses. he declared. Already over 400 dwellings have been built and a building target of 100 to 150 a year has been set “When it is finished anybody who wants a modern home will be able to get one,” said Coun. Prendergast.

Declared Coun. Alf. Haywood, “we are building for the future for a better way of life for our children.12