Mexborough and Swinton Times April 20, 1928
Policeman Ordered Out.
Lawrence Wood, a Denaby miner, was charged at Doncaster on Tuesday with having dogs without licences.
P.c. Rose said he called at the house at 9.45 a.m. on March 27th, and asked if they had a dog. He was informed that there was not one in the house, but there might be one in the garden.
He called again at 2-15 the same day and saw defendant, who said: “I have pipped you this time; I have got a licence.” Witness asked to see the licence, and then noticed that it had been obtained three hours after he had made the first call.
Defendant snatched the licence from witness and said, “Do your —- worst. It is such —- as you that crush honest people into the dust,” and ordered him out of the house,
The Chalrman (Mr. J. Hinchcliffe) said they did not want officers insulted in this manner. The defendant would have to pay £1