Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 July 1890
We have had a jolly time of it at Conisborough during the past week in the little world of politics. The bill of fare provided for the electors has been exceptionally rich, and the luring questions of the day have been placed before them so ably by the politicians who have encoded the historic village that they will find a great difficulty in arriving at the truth of things.
The true politician resembles a fish which when pursued by its enemy raises an inky cloud under cover of which it escapes. Politicians try in every possible way to becloud the true issues and it is with the utmost I difficulty that electors are able to discover the true meaning of the measures which are now and again brought before the country by a fatherly (or grandmotherly) government.
I do not like to call men names, but some politicians that I can name, possess some very fine and large imaginations.