Post-War Housing – Conisbrough Council Discuss Plans

November 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 14 November 1942

Post-War Housing

Conisbrough Council Discuss Plans

Post-war Housing was discussed at Conisbrough Urban Council on Wednesday. Coun. R. H. Shepherd presided.

Coun. B. Roberts. .J.P., asked what plans the Council were making to meet the expected demands after the war for houses. If the Council did their duty they should plan now. They knew Conisbrough’s population, and that two or three families were already living together now.

The Surveyor (Mr. H. Thirlwall) said the position was pretty well in hand as far as the Council could go at the moment. They had the land but had not building materials or contracts for building. They could prepare schemes, and to some extent they were already prepared.

Coun. M. P. Knowles asked if it was true that there was a house being rented which had not been occupied for two years and was being used as a store for furniture.

Mr. J. R. Troughton, an official, explained that the woman concerned had not merely taken the house to store furniture in, but was a resident tenant before the war and was now on war work.

Coun. A. M. Carlin protested against the new bus stop which had been erected opposite the Star Hotel. The first day it was used it required two men to guide the bus in and another to guide it out. An island had been made in the middle of the pathway and was a danger to pedestrians and to motorists on foggy nights.

The Surveyor said some years ago a woman was killed by a bus there and it gave rise to some comment. The Ministry of Transport, the County Council, and himself discussed this, and he suggested then that a pull-in for buses be made. It was left to the Ministry of Transport to make the necessary plans, and the County Council had carried out the work on the Ministry’s behalf. He understood it had been made in accordance with the original plans.

Coun. Carlin said they had moved the pedestrian crossing to the top of Lamphouse Hill and he had never seen a more dangerous crossing. It was a death trap now.

It was agreed that a letter of protest be sent to the Ministry of Transport.