Mexborough and Swinton Times October 7, 1887
Presentation at Denaby Main
On Monday evening last an interesting presentation was made in the Denaby Main Chapel.
The members of the congregation and other friends of Dr Smith, who is leaving the neighbourhood, have subscribed towards a writing desk, and the gift was made by the Rev. Wm. Mitchell Probert, curate, on behalf of the subscribers.
In making the presentation, Mr. Probert referred to Dr Smith’s estimable qualities, and expressed the regret which they all felt at Dr. Smith’s intending departure. When the movement was first started those who solicited subscriptions thought it was great undertaking to go from house to house, but they had been surprised at the way in which they had been received on every hand. They .h never received a single refusal, and in cases where they knew people could not well afford it, their always received their mite. (Hear, hear.)
It was a very pleasing duty that had devolved upon him, that of handing to Mr. Smith the writing desk. (Cheers)
Dr. Smith having replied is suitable terms, Messrs. Sylvester and Hughes made a few remarks, and Mr. Wall replied on behalf of the people of Denaby Main