Mexborough and Swinton Times March 16, 1888
Presentation to Mr. W. H. Chambers, At Denaby.
On Monday the members of the Denaby Main Cricket Club gathered together to show their appreciation to their esteemed president, Mr.W. H.. Chambers, who has been club captain for the past five years, and who has been elected for another term of office.
The meeting was held in one of the rooms of the Denaby Main Institute. Mr. J. Rose was voted to the chair amid cheers.
The meeting was opened by a piano and violin duet, entitled ” The last rose of summer,” by Mr. J. Beardsley and Mr. Moses Soar.
The Chairman said he was pleased to be there, and also pleased because the members of the cricket club had taken it into their heads to give Mr. Chambers a presentation. He was sure Mr. Chambers was worthy of it. (Applause.) As regards Mr. Chambers, the chairman could say that there was not a thing that he had asked him for, since he knew him, that had any reference to helping a good object, to the institution, the cooperative, the school, or any institution that would be likely to benefit the working-classes, but what he had fallen in with at once. (Applause.)
He had asked him, as most of them knew, to alter the Sunday School—to make it more comfortable. He asked him to make room for the institution, and a great many other things which he could mention. He believed both Mr. Chambers and the company that was present were now and ever had been fully prepared to do all they could to help them in all that was good. (Hear, hear.) He himself was no cricketer, never was, and thought never should be —(laughter) — but at the same time he did what he could to help on the cricket club. It was his heart’s desire that not only the cricket club, but the institution, the stores, and everything that calculated to raise them up should be heartily carried forward. The saying was as true now as it ever had been, that ” united we stand divided we fall.” There were not many things they had taken in hand but what had prospered, and they had great cause for satisfaction (Cheers.)
Mr. J Soar (who was one of the collectors for the presentation), said he had not asked one but who had been willing to give what they could in this matter. It was a great honour they had conferred upon him to appoint him as the one to make the presentation. Mr. Chambers was always willing to help in any way for their benefit. He hoped Mr. Chambers would have good health, and all that was requisite for him to follow up the game of cricket, and that he would be able to keep the ball from knocking the stumps down — (applause) — and in time to come as in time past lead them to victory.
Mr. Soar then presented Mr. Chambers with a cricket bat, a pair of leg-guards, and a beautiful sash.
Mr. Chambers, in responding, said he noticed the bat was one of A. Shrewsbury’s–a model of the one with which he obtained his great scores. He was sure they were conferring a great compliment upon him if they considered he was going to use it like Shrewsbury. (Laughter.) It was not because he did not want to do so; he trip, but somehow it did not “come off.” They had done him a great honour since he had been at Denaby in electing him as their captain. He had always striven to help them in all possible ways. Further, it was a greater honour to be the receiver of such a present as a token of their respect and regard. It was reciprocated from the bottom of his heart. He was not only ready to help the Cricket club, but any other movement which tended to pass away a spare hour, and that tended to join them together as fellow workers.
It was necessary that they should meet together some times on mutual grounds, and endeavour to help and encourage one another. He valued that token of their regard far more than its intrinsic value. He would hardly know what to do with the bat. If he played with it, he might break it. However, like an old servant, it would some day get pensioned off. He promised them he would never part with it. (Loud cheers.)
After again thanking them, Mr. Chambers resumed his seat amid loud cheering.
Songs were ably rendered during the evening by Mr. J. Hoyle (schoolmaster), Mr. Moses Soar, and Mr. C. Hewitt. Votes of thanks having been accorded to the Chairman, speakers, and singers, and those who had in any contributed to the enjoyment of the evening, the proceedings terminated.