Presentations to the Vicar of Conisborough

May 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times, May 27, 1892

Presentations to the Vicar of Conisborough

On Monday evening, the choristers, Sunday School teachers, and other Church workers in connection with the Conisborough Parish Church, met in the Church Schoolroom for the purpose of making presentations to the vicar (the Rev. J. O. Wood) and Mrs. Wood on the occasion of their approaching departure from Conisborough for Ormsby. There was a large attendance, and Mr. Nicholson presided. The presentations consisted of an enlarged photograph of the members of the choir, an enlarged photograph of the Sunday school teachers and Church workers, and a silver tea kettle, which bore the following inscription :—

Presented to the Rev. J. G. Wood and Mrs Wood, by the Conisborough Sunday school teachers and scholars, May, 1892.”

The Chairman said it was a matter of regret to them that they were about to lose their worthy vicar, who had been amongst them for a period of 25, years. He then called upon Mr. White to make the first presentation.

The Vicar, in acknowledging the gift, said it was with mingled feelings of pleasure and sadness that he and Mrs. Wood met them that evening. The testimonial would he very dear to them; as they would look at the faces of those in the photograph —the faces of their dear choristers, men and boys —there would be brought back to them the memory of many happy days of Church service which they had shared together. He did not think he could have had anything, next to themselves, that he would value more than he would this photograph.

Mr. ‘Wigfall. in a few appropriate remarks, then presented the kettle and stand for which the vicar briefly returned thanks.

Mr. White next presented Mr. and Mrs. Wood with the photograph of the church workers, including the churchwardens and sidemen.

In accepting the gift, Mr. Wood said he thought he could say of Miss Simpson that he could hardly remember s a Sunday when she was not at her pulse. He also mentioned Misses Tyson and Appleyard as among the church workers.

After a few remarks from Mr. Gillott, the choir sang “God be with you until we meet again.”

Mr. Hoyle proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding which was heartily accorded.