Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 31 December 1927
Prison for Assault on Landlady.
A sentence of two months’ imprisonment—one month on each of two charges —was imposed at the Doncaster West Riding Police Court yesterday on Samuel Faulkner (27), miner, of Conisborough, who was charged with assaulting Catherine Nicol and stealing 6d. and a leather purse..
He pleaded guilty.
He was a single man and since last July had been living at the prosecutrix’s house. Recently, in consequence of something said to her, the prosecution alleged she told him he must go, but allowed him to stay over Christmas.
At 9.30 p.m. on Tuesday prisoner and Mrs. Nichol were sitting in front of the fire. Prisoner said “You are going to put me out to-night.” She replied that he would have to go.
He then took a scarf and twisted it round her neck. She fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Later, she went to a neighbour’s bouse, where she recovered, and upon returning home found the purse missing.