Prison for Butcher – Story of “Fiendish Cruelty” to a Bullock

June 1930

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 16 June 1930

Prison for Butcher

Story of “Fiendish Cruelty” to a Bullock

A case described as one of fiendish cruelty ” to a bullock was heard at Doncaster, to-day.

Alfred Coley and John Dodsworth, butchers, Conisborough, were summoned for cruelty to the bullock by travelling it in an unfit state; and John Thomas Asher, butcher, Conisborough, owner, was summoned for permitting the cruelty.

It was stated the bullock was bought in Doncaster market on May 20, and at Conisborough it was put into a field, where it was seen with its foot bleeding. Asher sent the other two men to take the animal to a slaughter house. Coley and Dodsworth were seen attempting to make the animal w alk along the road to Conisborough, where it fell, and one of its hoofs came off.

Coley, it was stated, twisted the beast’s tail in the attempt to get it to walk.

Coley was sent to prison for two months; Asher was fined £10, and Dodsworth £5.