Promoting Understanding.

November 1927

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 07 November 1927

Promoting Understanding.

On Saturday about 70 officials from the Maltby Main Colliery paid visit to Denaby to meet their colleagues at the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries.

A few weeks ago the Denaby and officials went to Maltby. The object was the promotion of understanding and to enable the officials of these concerns to get know each other better.

About 150 had tea at the S.J.A.B. headquarters, and later the party adjourned to the officials’ club, where Mr. W. Still, manager of Denaby Colliery read a paper on the history of coal, which he illustrated with several fossils from local collieries.

Mr. R. -Young, manager, Cadeby Colliery, and Mr, H. Hulley, agent Maltby, made short speeches on the advantages of such gatherings, and Mr. Searston, manager, Maltby, appealed for cheerfulness both at work and play.