Mexborough and Swinton Times, November 29, 1889
Proposed New Line From Wath to Conisboro’
This week two gentlemen, supposed be acting in the interests of a private company, have been busily engaged surveying the land line between Wath and Conisboro’.
It is believed that a new railway, some 6 miles in length, is projected between the two places, Thisthough a somewhat different route will be followed than that pursued by the existing M.S. and L. Railway.
The proposed new line, if the levels which are being taken may be judged from, well after leaving Wath, follows the valley of the Dearne and pass through Adwick, Harlington, through the Melton side of Denaby Colliery, and become connected at Cadeby rattles with a new colliery which had been sunk by the Denaby Main Colliery Company.
It is contemplated to make a branch line to the Denaby Colliery as well.
If the proposed Midland Railway from Conisbrough to Shireoaks becomes an accomplished fact that company, by means of this short line from Wath to Conisbro, will have direct connection in this district for their main line, though it is not believed that the Midland are engaged in the present survey along the Dearne Valley
In connection with this undertaking, which as yet is only projected, the Bill to be laid before Parliament during the coming session by the M.S. and L. Railway Company for a railway from Conisbrough to Wales is worth notice.
Should both enterprises be carried out, a richly endowed country hitherto undeveloped will be opened up.