Prospects of the Don and Dearne Senior Clubs

30 April 1960

South Yorkshire Times, April 30th, 1960

Prospects of the Don and Dearne Senior Clubs

South Yorkshire Teams at the “Off” Tomorrow

The new cricket season opens this Saturday and below we give brief prospects of the leading clubs in the Don and Dearne Valleys. If your club’s prospects are not here, club secretaries are asked to forward details to the Sports Editor.

Denaby and Cadeby

Lack of training will not worry members of Denaby and Cadeby M.W. Cricket Section when they sweep into the season tomorrow.

Tickhill Square. a well-known Mecca for lovers of the sport, has been a hive of activity in recent weeks. In fact some members of the club have been at the nets every day.

Cricket secretary Mr. Amos Jones was brimming with confidence when he told our reporter: “I am sure this is going to be a most successful season. The ground looks extremely well this year.”

Although Denaby, have about 28 players in their Council and Don-‘caster League teams at present—same number as last season—new faces are always welcome.

Mr. Jones says, “When we under way we will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are get hoping to recruit as .many young players as possible.”

Wath Athletic

Wath Athletic Cricket Section are looking forward to a new era in their history. But not this season. This will be a sad year as all matches will have to be played away.

General secretary Frank Hughes said: “Although we expect to recruit a few youngsters—a number of Wath Grammar School players are extremely keen and talented – we shall simply try to retain last season’s playing strength.

“We will encourage them as much as we can. Because of subsidence our ground is out of commission—the N.C.B. are to carry out renovations—but when work is completed we are looking forward to a new era in Wath’s history.

“We have a fairly busy Yorkshire Council programme—about 16 games —but our Minor League side are having sonic difficulty at present. Up to now they have only been able to arrange a few matches.”

One promising Wath player, 23-year-old batsman and fast bowler Roy Lidster, has spent six weeks at the nets at Sheffield and has been invited to Headingley. “We think he shows great promise,” say Mr. Hughes.


The accent is on youth at Swinton Athletic. A teenage team has been entered in the Mexborough Evening League and youngsters also take some prominence in the Doncaster League side.

Swinton expect to ’round up’ about 30 players, slightly more than last year, and Yorkshire Council honours will again rest on the long-standing veterans who have provided many hours of entertainment at Rookery Rand.

Secretary Harry Shaw told our reporter; “This will be one of our busiest seasons for several sears. We have a number of young players who, we hope, will make some very good players.

“We don’t mind if our mid-week side never wins a game in the Mexborough League as long as they get experience. We always need new players and the ground is open for practice on any day before the season commences on April 30th.