Public House Row at Denaby

May 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 27 May 1892

A Public House Row at Denaby

John Slater, landlord of the Reresby Arms, Denaby, was summoned for assaulting Elizabeth Cane, wife of Dan Cane, of Denaby, on May 14.

Mr Gichard appeared for the complainant, and Mr Hickmott defended.

The case for the complainant was that of the night named, about 9.30, Mrs Cane went into the Reresby Arms, and was served with a glass of beer. She then stood at the bar window waiting for a pint of beer to be drawn a picture to take away with her. The landlord’s wife sector it was about time she went home, and complainant replied that there was no reason why she should do, but she would go when she had finished her glass of beer. Mrs Slater repeated her remarks, and ultimately Mrs Kane used a nasty expression, and said she was as good as her. At this point the landlord came up, and told the complainant that if she was not out of the house quickly he should help her out.

It was alleged she pushed her down on the floor, and lifting her up again, struck twice in the face, one below seriously injuring her left eye stop

The defence was that Mrs Cane had tried to create a disturbance in the house during the afternoon, and was refused a glass of beer at night. Mrs Slater agreed to fill a pitcher with the supper beer. She then, it was contended, used very foul language, and the landlord at last to eject her, using no more force than was necessary. He never struck her, and she sustained no injury whilst in his house.

A number of witnesses were called to give evidence for the defence.

The case was ultimately dismissed.