Pugilistic Waiter at Denaby

September 1879

Mexborough and Swinton Times, September 5.

A Pugilistic Waiter at Denaby.

Francis Stokes, of Denaby,who occasionally is employed as a waiter for Mr Slater at Denaby, was summoned for having made an affray at that place, on the 23rd ult.

PC Midgley said that on the day in question at 9:30, he was on duty, when he heard a disturbance opposite Mr Slater’s public house. He went and found the defendant without his hat, and coat, and using abusive language.

Witness ordered him away, and he ran off as fast as he could, but in about 10 min afterwards he came up again, and expressed a desire to fight with a Mexborough man, whom he had not seen previously. Witness again ordered Stokes away.

William Tukes stated that he went into the public house to have a glass of port. Whilst he was there the defendant came in and knocked the porter over. Defended brought another glass, which he declined to pay for, upon which the defendant got hold of him by the throat, and retained his grip for 5 minutes.

A person who was present agreed to pay for the porter, and Stokes took up the money with one hand, and struck witness with the other. His wife then came up, and defendant then struck her, and he then followed them into the Street, and struck her again.

John Granger for the defence, said he was head waiter at Mr Slater’s. He saw Stokes take Tukes a glass of porter, and he drank it off.He refused to pay for it. Stokes was determined to have it, and both of them had a scuffle in trying to get the money. He never saw any blows struck.

PC Midgley pointed out that the defendant´s witness did not speak of the proceedings outside, and that was where the assault was committed.

The bench bound over defendant over his own reconnaissance of five pounds to keep the peace for six months. The cost would be 15 shillings.

Defendant asks, if any of these chaps tempt me to do anything at them, can I bring them here?

Mr Cadman: oh, certainly.

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