Purchase of Denaby Gasworks – Still Under Discussion

November 1956

South Yorkshire Times November 17, 1956

Still Under Discussion
 Purchase of Denaby Gasworks

East Midlands Gas Consultive Council had before them at their meeting in Nottingham last Tuesday a recommendation that the East Midlands Gas Board should take over Denaby Main gasworks for the National Coal Board early next year.

Denaby Main Gasworks is one of the two formerly owned by Denaby and Cadeby Collieries. It had been run by the NCB since nationalisation of the mines.

The takeover by the board, planned for April, would mean the gasworks being linked up to the boards Sheffield Doncaster grid. Denaby people would then receive their gas from Conisbrough.

A Coal Board official said that this week the matter had been under consideration for some time and it was still under discussion.