Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 14 October 1909
Rag Gatherer’s Theft.
At Doncaster yesterday, Henry Brett, a Mexborough rag-gatherer, was charged with stealing two pairs of pit drawers, the property of William Seary, miner, of Conisborough.
Prisoner bought two rabbit skins of the prosecutor’s landlady, Mrs. Merringham and took the pit drawers off the wall.
Pleading guilty, prisoner was sent to hard labour for 21 days.
Wombwell, Man Killed
An inquest was held yesterday in the Wesleyan School, Womb well, before the Deputy Coroner (Mr Kenyon Parker) into the circumstances of the death of Thomas Brears (69), of Milton Street, Wombwell.
The deceased was driving through a gateway when one of the wheels of the vehicle caught the gate post. The horse was thrown down and the cart turned over, Brears being thrown out and killed.
A verdict of “Accidental death” was returned.