South Yorkshire Times August 6, 1966
Readjusting the Wards at Conisbrough
Ward boundary alterations are proposed in the Conisbrough Urban District. Although at present each of the five electoral Wards return three councillors, the largest Ward has over 4000 more voters than the smallest.
If they go Through
if they go through the proposals will bring the numbers of voters per Ward to around the 2000 Mark. The variations have come about because of post-war development and population shift. The result is that while the South Ward has over 5000 voters, the Denaby Ward has only 937, while the East Ward as 2127 waters, the figures for North and West wards or 1499 and 1444.
The Details
Details of the proposed alterations were explained to the “South Yorkshire Time” by Mr Eric G Mellor, clerk to the council, who said that the chief modification will be in the south and west wards. The south will be reduced from over 5000 to 2600 by transferring a triangle of land bordered by Conan Road and Daylands Avenue into West Ward, which would then have an estimated 2264 voters.
East Ward would increase initially to 1935 and another 500 would eventually be added by residential development at Wellgate and Wingate Hill.
North Ward initially would have 1996 voters, to be supplemented in the near future by the Balby Street development and further building at The Dale and Dale Road.
The new Denaby Ward would have 2221 voters. The figure will be temporarily reduced by demolition orders, but would rise again with redevelopment.