Recklessness in a Coal Mine

November 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 11 November 1892

Recklessness in a Coal Mine

Samuel Robinson was charged with a breach of special rule number 101 at Denaby Main Colliery by not spragging on the 25th ult.

Mr Hickmott prosecuted, defendant pleaded not guilty.

Johnson Rogers, deputy, said that on the day referred to he went into defendant workings and found he had holed a distance of 7ft 6” by 5ft under one end and 3 feet from the bottom end without using a sprag. The coal was drawn and there was a loose end. Further on there was another piece holed 5 feet in length. Defendant was holing in the latter. In the 7’6” space there was no sprags.

Witness told him that a lunatic from an asylum would not do such a silly trick. He replied “I have no sprags”. Witness rejoined that he had, whereupon defendant went to fetch them in the present witness.

In reply to a question, he was sure defendant was rolling when he visited the working.

Fined 20 shillings and costs, in default a months imprisonment.