South Yorkshire Times, September 23, 1967
Records Broken at the Gala
Four local records were broken on Wednesday when Denaby and Conisbrough swimming club held their eighth annual Gala at the Denaby baths. This was not surprising since many of the club members are distinguished swimmers.
John Hinchcliffe was breast-stroke champion at the Schools Minor B Gala three years ago, and Miss Shirley Brandreth won the breaststroke event at the same Gala in 1961 and 1964 and has also represented the Yorkshire Schools Team.
A prominent member of the club for many years has been Kenneth Brandreth, who at the age of 18 was the Gloucestershire children 20 yards breaststroke champion and was a West counties representative. On Wednesday he broke his own 100 yards style record of 59 seconds by a swim of 58.8 seconds.
Many other Denaby and Conisbrough swimmers have represented the club in these groups at the Yorkshire Championships.
The youngest swimmer at the Gala was David Danford, aged 6, who completed in the boys freestyle for 10 years and under, over one length.
Before the Gala there was a presentation to the retiring Baths manager Mr C. Rich. Manager for 14 years Mr Rich will retire in October and the Swimming Club in appreciation presented him with a silver tea set and tray.