Refusing to Quit at Conisboro’

August 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 15 August 1902

Refusing to Quit at Conisboro’

William Bennett, a labourer, of Conisborough, was summoned for being drunk and choosing to quit the station Hotel, Conisborough on 30 July.

Pc. Turner stated that at 9.30 p.m. on the 30th July, .he was called to Station Hotel, Conisborough, to inject the defendant. When he got there he found the defendant who was drunk. Witness heard one of waiters order him out several times, but he refused.

As soon as defendant saw him he went out. About 10 o’clock the same night the defendant came up to him and asked for a policeman, he was so drunk.

Frank Collinson gave corroborative evidence. He lived at the Station Hotel, and was a waiter. He ordered the defendant out many times but, he refused to go.

Robert Clark, a miner of Conisborough, stated that he was in the public house at the time spoken of. The defendant was very drunk, and wanted drink. He was ordered to go outside but he refused.

Defendant denied the charge, and said, that he had never been summoned before in his life. He admitted that he was of a rather excitable nature.

Defendant was fined 15/– including the costs.