Refusing to Quit at Denaby.

November 1902

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 21, 1902

Refusing to Quit at Denaby.

Edward McGrath, filler, Denaby was summoned for having been disorderly and refusing to quit the Denaby Main Hotel on November 9 and he was further summoned for having made use of obscene language at the same time.

A barman employed at the Denaby Main Hotel, said that 9:15 on Sunday night, 9 November, the defendant came into the dram shop of the hotel, and witness served with a pint of beer. He began quarrelling with some other men in the room and witness refused to serve him with any more beer. Witness had occasion to go out of the room when he came back defendant was quarrelling with other men in the house. Witness requested him to leave, and he refused. The police came in and had him ejected.

PC Kilner said at 9:30 PM on the date in question he was on duty in Denaby Road, New Conisbrough, in company with PC Dawson, when they heard the defendant, was making use of obscene language outside the Denaby Hotel. There was a crowd of people round him.

PC Dobson corroborated

Superintendent Blake said defendant had been before the bench four times this year.

For refusing to quit the defendant was fined two shillings and the costs, and 20 shillings, including the costs for the obscene language.