South Yorkshire Times December 1, 1956
Remembrance Day
Services at the Parish Church, Conisbrough on November 18, had very good attendances, reports the vicar, the Rev GF Braithwaite. The church in the morning was overfilled, the aisles were full, and there was probably twice the normal attendance for a Sunday service. The service in the church was conducted by the Vicar and the lesson was read by Mr Bonham.
Present were Ald B Roberts, chairman of Conisbrough U.D.C. and representives of most of the local organisations.
The procession to the War Memorial included the British Legion (both women and men sections with their banners), Scouts, guides, Brownies and Cubs, St John’s ambulance, the Chairman of the Council, Councillors and officials, and the band of the Boys Brigade.
The Last Post and Reveille were sound. Wreaths were laid by the chairman of Conisbrough U.D.C. and by organisations, works and societies in the Conisbrough area, as well as by individuals.