Repairs to Private Houses – Conisbrough U.D.C. Comments

June 1951

South Yorkshire Times, June 23, 1951

Repairs to Private Houses

Conisbrough U.D.C. Comments

County Coun. B. Roberts told Conisbrough Council on Monday of complaints that landlords, would not carry out repairs and were trying to charge rent increases of 1s. where the rate increase was only 7d.

If the tenants were not satisfied with this they were told to get out of the houses.

“It is the duty of the Council to see that justice is done to the tenants,” said County Coun. Roberts. “There is no doubt that these matters will receive the attention of the Council. We are entitled to have meetings to give justice to the tenants, not forgetting fair play to the owners. But it seems in this case that the owners a taking advantage and trying to put on extra rent.