South Yorkshire Times September 8, 1956
Two old employees of Denaby Main colliery are retiring tomorrow (Saturday).
Mr. Harold Womack (a boilersmith) commence work at Cadeby colliery in 1901 as an apprentice and later was transferred to the Denaby colliery in 1942. For a time he resided in Denaby Main. But many years ago he went to live at Warmsworth, where he still resides.
Mr. Louis Stones commenced his working days at Cadeby colliery in 1904. He is a blacksmith and was for many years foreman in the blacksmith department at Cadeby colliery (having been transferred in 1912). For health reasons he relinquished the post a few years ago and now has decided to retire. He lives at Lyndhurst, Church Walk, Denaby Main. Mr. Stones for a long period was an active member of the St John ambulance Brigade, and he saw service in the First World War with the R.A.M.C. Along with the many other members of the brigade.
Their workmates have expressed good wishes to both men for enjoyable retirement.