Retirement of Denaby Co-op. General Manager After 49 ½ years

January 1958

South Yorkshire Times, January 11, 1958

After 49 ½ years
Retirement of Denaby Co-op. General Manager

In the office of the secretary of the Denaby Main Industrial Co-operative society on Saturday a gathering was held to wish “au-revoir” to Mr. R. Williamson who had retired from his post of General Manager from society after 49 years’ service, the last 40 years as general manager.

The group included the Depart-mental Managers and the Manageress of the Drug Department (Mrs. West.) Mr. V. J. Healy (Managing-Secretary) ‘presided and paid a tribute to Mr. Williamson.

He spoke of his association with Mr. Williamson during the time he had been with the society and said. “When I came to the Society I came as a raw student of the co-operative movement and its work. I had accountancy and other experience, but Mr. Williamson had all the knowledge that I required of the movement and I shall always remember him for his kindness, and forbearance with me and the friendly way in which he accepted me, and was always willing to show me the way and give valuable advice. Mr Williamson had been with the society nearly half century and during that period he had witnessed great strides in the movement of Denaby Main. I remember  the words he said to me in 1952. ‘That he had the best set of branch Managers and assistants in the movement’ and time has proved that his remarks were correct.

Mr. Williamson had won the goodwill not only of the Staffs but of the district. He had been zealous worker and helped greatly to put the Society in its present nourishing position. He paid tribute to his friendliness and the help he bad always been willing to give to him and any member of the staff or society.

Mr. Healy then proposed Mr. Williamson’s good health, and a long and happy retirement and this was endorsed by all present.

Mr. S. Bucknall (Furniture Dept. Manager) proposed a toast to Mrs. Williamson with good wishes for the future.

Mr. Ernest Sheldrake (Food Trades Manager), who will take over most of Mr. Williamson’s duties, said he had known Mr. Williamson all his working days at the Denaby Society. All his work had been done under his guidance and he attributed his success with the Society to the advice and training he had received through Mr. Williamson.

He said “I can truthfully he has been a kind friend”.

They had always known Mr Williamson as a ‘father’ and friend who had put hours of work for the Society and he knew the appreciation the Staff had shown him had given him his reward. Last year to mark his 40 year as General Manager they had presented him with a television set but the Departmental Managers felt they could not let this occasion pass without some recognition which he could take with him to remind him of his colleagues and he asked Mr. Healy to make the presentation of their small gift of a Ronson cigarette lighter. Mr. Healy presented the gift with best wishes of the Department Managers.

Mr. Williamson said it was a great surprise that they had given to him a further gift, but he thanked them all very much and expressed appreciation of the kind words that had been spoken about him. He said he had tried to do his duty and had given the best he had.

“The Denaby Co-op. has been my baby for many years, but in spite of ups and downs we have come through and I still say we have some of the best branch managers and staff with whom I have been proud to serve.” He wished them and the Society good luck.

Mr. George Barber (School Walk branch manager) associated himself with all the remarks that had been made. Mr. Williamson had been “a good boss” and they all -wished him well.

On behalf of the Board of Management Mr. T. Holcroft paid tribute to Mr. Williamson and extended the good wishes of the Board.