Mexborough and Swinton Times November 27, 1896
Denaby Main Catholic Church
The Rev Father Kavanagh on the Denaby Main Institute
Since the advent of a catholic priest at Denaby Main, the catholic population of the district have bestirred themselves with a zeal that was slightly gratifying to themselves and their pastor, the Rev Father T.B.Kavanagh.
The way in which they have worked in seconding the efforts of their pastor, and the encouraging results already achieved the promise of greater things in the future. It is anticipated that ere long sufficient funds will have been raised for the erection of a proper church in which to worship. At present they are indebted to the Denaby and Cadeby Main Colliery Ltd for the use of the old infant School in Doncaster Road, Denaby Main, where services are held.
Speaking on Sunday last the Rev Father Kavanagh took occasion to refer to Denaby Main Institute, and strongly urge the members of his congregation to join it, pointing out its usefulness and benefits. He said, amongst other notices, he wanted to mention and bring under their favourable notice a real social blessing already established for some years in their very midst – a refuge provided by the benevolence of their own employers, where they had provided for their work men almost free of charge, a large and commodious reading room with both fire and gas gratis.
There are innocent games, papers, and periodicals to amuse and entertain both mind and body. It would be no misnomer to call the place an asylum provided for them, and working men like them, where they could take refuge from this solicitations of vice and bad example; from squalid righteousness, often the result of overcrowding. Some of them, no doubt, anticipated the place he was alluding to, viz the Denaby Main Institute.
The place, he knew, had been established solely for the collier’s benefit from a principle of goodwill towards them, and when such a manifestation of goodness is known to be disinterested in their own (the men’s) social elevation and benefit, then they will be showing themselves indifferent if they did not make use of them. Besides, the reverend gentleman continued, his recommendation of the Institute sprung from a personal knowledge of it, and what beneficial effects it is capable of producing amongst the colliers of Denaby and Conisborough if they would only show their appreciation by at once becoming members, and therefore making use of it.
He (Father Kavanagh) was a member, not indeed as the Catholic priest, but simply as one of the community or townspeople of Denaby.
Religion, strictly so called, and politics, are not allowed at the Denaby Main Institute. All can meet there on the common ground of social good fellowship and for self-improvement. The reverend gentleman concluded by appealing to both young men and the old, and especially young men to join, remarking that the cost was a mere trifle, and the benefits to be derived from the Institute were for their own good besides being an exercise of gratitude to their benefactors.