Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 March 1901
Conisborough Men in Trouble
Albert Taylor and Albert White, miners, of new Conisborough, pleaded guilty to a charge of having stolen a collie dog, the property of Martha Marshall, of Micklebring.
Superintendent break said the prosecutrix kept a public house and farm at Micklebring. The defendant went there and had something to drink. The dog was in a stable in the yard. The defendants took the dog with them to Conisborough and they were seen with it in a public house. The dog was afterwards found straying.
The defendants now said they were the worse for drink at the time were very sorry for what had been done.
The Chairman expressed the hope that the case will be a warning to them not to take dogs or fowl or other things because they had some beer.
They would each have to pay 17s 6d.