Robbed His Good Samaritan – Denaby Soldier’s 12 Months Sentence

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, December 1, 1951

Robbed His Good Samaritan

Denaby Soldier’s 12 Months Sentence

A Denaby soldier who stole a coat from house where he was given a bed, breakfast and 2s.6d to see him on his way the morning after he had said he had missed the last bus, was sent to prison for 12 months at Doncaster West Riding Magistrates Court on Saturday.

Chief Inspector Schofield said he joined the Army after coming out of prison, was with his unit four days and had been absent without leave since October 25th.

The soldier, Eric Booth, (21) of Barnburgh Street, Denaby, pleaded guilty to stealing the coat worth £12 from Wood View, Blaxton, and to stealing a cycle worth in from outside a Doncaster cinema.

Booth also asked for an offence of obtaining a watch by a false pretence to be taken into consideration. The Chief-inspector said Booth was given a bed in a room where the coat was hanging, after saying he had missed his bus to Scunthorpe, breakfast and 2s 6d.

The sister of the owner of the coat commented on the bulkiness of Booth’s greatcoat, but he said “it was the way they folded them in the Army.”

Later Booth was recognised and detained when he went into Scunthorpe police station, and added the Chief Inspector, he admitted “swapped for a watch.” None I stealing the cycle which he the property had been recovered °

The chairman (Col W. St. Andrew Warde Aldam) told Booth “You have a bad record. The Army will be informed of the reason for your absence.”

Booth was also charged with being an absentee from his R.A. unit at Oswestry.