Robbed His Own Meter – Denaby Man’s Theft.

February 1910

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Friday 11 February 1910

Robbed His Own Meter.

Denaby Man’s Theft.

A Denaby fitter named Walter Ashburner, employed at the Denaby Colliery, was charged at the Doncaster West Riding Court to-day, with stealing 7s. 4d. from penny-in-the-slot meter in his own house.

The gas is supplied by the colliery company, and the defendant reported to them that someone had broken open the meter and stolen the money, but when inquiries were made it transpired that had informed a neighbour named Christina Bedford that he himself had broken the meter open and had got some clothes out of pawn with part of the money, had bought a quilt, and given the remainder of the money to his wife.

Defendant now told the Bench that he would pay the money back provided the company would take him back to his situation.

He was fined 20s, including costs.