Robbery in High Street

November 1895

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 15, 1895

 Robbery in High Street

During the past few months quite a number of small house robberies have be committed in Conisborough and another must now be added to the list.

This time Mr George Hill, shoemaker, High Street, is the victim, his house having been broken into on Sunday night between the hours of six and eight, whilst Mr Hill and family were at church. An entrance had been affected through one of the front windows. The marauders seem to have ransacked every room in the house in search of booty.

There were a number of valuable articles in the house – wearing apparel accessories – at the time, these are not been taken, and so far as can be ascertained only money to the amount of about £3 has been taken.

Mrs Hill had been making a collection for some time past, and had between 200 and 300 of these coins in the house, which have all been taken.

Mr Hill is treasurer to one of the friendly societies in the town, and he generally believe that the burglars expected a good haul in the shape of club subscriptions, but in this they were disappointed. No arrests have been made at present, but it is, however, believed to be someone pretty well familiar with Conisborough and the habits of Conisborough people.