Sacred Concert at Denaby Main

September 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 09 September 1892

Sacred Concert at Denaby Main

On Sunday a sacred instrumental concert took place at Denaby Main, in the Cricket Field, lent for the purpose by Mr. W. H. Chambers, manager of the Denaby colliery .

There was a large attendance of the public and fine weather favoured the proceedings. The chair was taken by Mr. Chambers. He said he did not believe the proceedings were of a secularising tendency, otherwise be should not have been present. He was pleased to see so many of the public at the concert, and one advantage of the affair was the keeping of some men from the public houses.

The bands that took part in the concert had been engaged at various times in connection with Hospital Sunday demonstrations, for which they assisted gratuitously, and the idea of what is known as “Bandsman’s Sunday” is to obtain funds for the procuring of music, and also with the view of mutual encouragement in the direction of musical cadency.

The public deposited coppers in boxes, which were held at the entrance of the field. The following selections were given from the band stand:

“ Pride of England ” (H. Round), by the Denaby Main Institute Brass Band, Mr. W. T. Haigh conducting; “Maritana” (Wallace), by the Mexborough M. S. and L. Railway Subscription Brass Band, Mr. J. Dawson conducting; Victory” H. Round by the Kilnhurst Alliances Brass Band, Mr. J. Brookes conducting ; “Victory” (H. Round), by the Conisborough Brass Baud, Mr. A. Wilson conducting.

As a finale all the bands united in the Hallelujah Chorus.