Sad Death at Denaby Main Powder Works.

June 1892

Sheffield Independent – Thursday 09 June 1892

Sad Death at Denaby Main Powder Works.

Yesterday, Mr. Wightman held an inquest at Denaby Main, touching the death of Richard Dagnall, who had been employed at the local powder works.

Mr. Clegg, Sheffield, attended the inquiry on behalf of the company.

The body having been identified by Joseph Dagnall, brother of the deceased, John Jackson, the manager of the works, deposed that the deceased applied for work last Wednesday. Witness sent him to Dr. Twigg for a certificate as to health, and he returned with a, satisfactory one. Work was found for him the next morning.

During the day the man was found to be working without a respirator, which was a breach of regulations, and he was told he would be reported if he was again found thus ignoring the rule. The next morning the man was again seen without a respirator, and he was threatened that he would be “turned off.” Subsequently he fell in a fit, although a few minutes previously there had been no indication of his being ill.

The man was conveyed home, and Dr. Howe was sent for. It was stated that the sufferer had had an apoplectic fit, brought on by breathing poisonous gases, and to this he succumbed. A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.