Sad Death of a Miner

November 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 25 November 1892

Sad Death of a Miner

Mr Wightman, district coroner, held an enquiry at the Reresby Arms, Denaby, on Wednesday afternoon, touching the death of Joseph Howell, filler, which took place on Monday.

Mr Chambers represented the Denaby Main Colliery Company. Mr Wardell (Government Inspector of Mines) was also present.

Thomas Gough, miner at Denaby Main Colliery, said he had known deceased about 20 years. He was 28 years of age and was a filler at the same place. On 11 November 1881 he met with an accident. Witness saw him at his house after the accident. He told him was lifting a tub on the rails whence by some mischance he slipped on the rib of the tub caught him on the back. Deceased had been attended by Doctor Twigg and Doctor Huey witness said he had never heard deceased blame anyone. He was not insured, but was entitled to a permanent relief whilst alive.

John Knock, miner, said deceased was his filler. He did not remember the day on which the deceased met with his accident. At the time of the accident witness was in the bank “holing,” about 10 yards away. Deceased called out to him and said that his tub had come off the rails. He said he thought he could lift it on the rails himself, and did not require any assistance. He afterwards came and said that he had slipped on the tub, it had struck him and injured him. When he slipped there was a pony driver with him. Witness did not know who the driver was. There was no quarrel and no larking to his knowledge. Witness had been several times since the accident, but he never blamed anyone. Witness supposed that the tub had run over the guide. There was nobody to blame.

The Coroner stated that he had a certificate from surgeon stating that the deceased had died from a cerebral attack caused by an accident and injury to the spine.

The coroner, continuing, said there appeared to be no blame attached to anyone.

A verdict of accidental death was returned.

The jury were as follows:

Mr Biggs (foreman), Charles Smith, James Davies, Thomas Whitehead, Edward Lowe, David Brown, Thomas Williams, Rowland Webster, Cornelius Perks, Philip Humphreys, Henry Bradley and John O’Brien