Mexborough and Swinton Times October 8, 1897
Sad Fatality at Denaby Main.
Mr FG Nicholson, district coroner, held an inquest at the Denaby Main Hotel, New Conisborough, on Friday last, touching the death of John William Smith, doorkeeper, employed at Denaby Colliery, who was killed the previous Wednesday.
Mr J Mellor, one of her Majesty’s Inspector of mines and Mr H S witty, representing the Colliery Company were present. Mr Seth Metcalfe was foreman of the jury.
Graham Smith, the father of the deceased said his son had been employed at the pit about five weeks. Deceased was brought home on Wednesday, and he was then dead. His thigh was broken and the back of his head was crushed. The lad went into the mine about 2 o’clock and should have finished about 10.
Arthur Ackroyd said he was pony driver employed at the Denaby Main Colliery. About half-past eight on Wednesday night he went down his level with some full tubs. As he was going he saw deceased, John William Smith, laid across the road. Witness shouted for the lad to get up. He did not do so, and witness pulled in by the legs out of the road. Witness had to then rush out of the way into an air hole to save himself. He then saw the deceased turn over, and the tubs ran over him. He afterwards went for assistance. He saw deceased after the accident but he was quite dead.
By the inspector: He had been away from the place about 2 ½ hours. Deceased during that time would have nothing to do. He had never seen him laid across the rails like that before. That would have been the last run for the deceased. Witness said pony was hardly going as fast as usual. He had 10 tubs and one locker in. There are plenty of places where the deceased could have gone and slept.
The Coroner considered it a pure accident and a verdict of “Accidental death,” was returned.