South Yorkshire Times June 8, 1946
Safety Suggestions at Conisborough Meeting
Conisbrough Road Safety Committee, on Wednesday, County Councillor B. Roberts, J.P., presiding, decided to accept in principle a 12 monthly road safety program as outlined by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, and appointed an Executive Committee to prepare recommendations for the local application of the campaign.
The committee, who will meet on June 13, was selected as follows: Police Inspector F. Schofield, Councillors G. Cheshire, Roberts, Sheldon, H. Gomersall, Police Sergeants Eyett and Johnson, Mrs A. Oldfield, Mrs. Westby and Messrs. Platt and G. Williamson. They will report to a meeting of the full committee on July 2.
Mr Codrington, of the Royal Society, explained a suggested campaign planning which some phase of accident prevention among a different section of the community was engaged each month (except during the holiday month of August), so that by the end of the year all phases had been covered, and in dealing with local needs. P S Eyett declared that the district should be immediately flooded with posters to bring home to parents and children the necessity for road safety. Good work could also be done by short films at the local cinemas, the films to deal with the local aspect, and attention should be directed to bus stops, particularly those on the main road through Denaby.
- S. Johnson (Conisbrough) urged the provision of a wall in front of the entrance to Station Road school, Conisbrough, and an opening at the side to prevent the children sliding into the main Doncaster-Mexborough road, and an approach to the bus authorities to pick up children who had to travel some distance soon after they were released from school and so get them off the streets.