Sailor – Lifsey, William Herbert – Presumed Killed (picture)

December 1942

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 05 December 1942

Presumed Killed

Mrs. Marjorie Lifsey, of 13, Halifax Avenue, Conanby, has been informed by the Admiralty that her Herbert Able Seaman William Herbert Lifsey, has been missing since November 11th and must be presumed killed.

The official notification states that he was lost through enemy action in the Western Mediterranean during operations for the capture of North Africa, and it is feared there can be no hope that he is still alive.

Able Seaman Lifsey has been in the Navy for nearly five years and the last three of these have been packed with incident. Most of his time has been served in the Mediterranean but he has also seen service in the Northern Sens protecting convoys to Russia. He has been torpedoed twice, and on one occasion narrowly escaped with his life by jumping through a porthole.

He was only married in April of this year and before joining the Navy was employed as a haulage hand at Denaby Colliery.

From C.W.G.C.:

Service Number: D/SSX 24463
Regiment & Unit/Ship: Royal Navy H.M.S. Martin

Date of Death Died 10 November 1942

Buried or commemorated at PLYMOUTH NAVAL MEMORIAL Panel 65, Column 3.