Sale of Land at Conisboro’.

June 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 06 June 1902

Sale of Land at Conisboro’.

On Monday afternoon several important and valuable prospective building sites were offered for sale by Messrs. J. H. Crouch and Son, at the Station Hotel, Conisborough.

All the land offered belonged to the Earl Countess Yarborough. The sale was fairly well attended.

Amongst those present were: Mr. Caleb Kilner. Mr. W. H. Chambers, Mr. Newstead. Mr. Cole, Mr. Booth, Mr. Francis Ogley, Mr. J. W. Hattersley, Mr. F. L. Harrop, Mr. George White, Mr. Wilfred Gothwaite, Mr. George Walker, Mr. Ben Wortley. etc.

Lot 1. 5326 yds., an extensive of land, lying between the Station and Low Road, was knocked down to Mr. Ben Wortley’ (for Mr. C. Kilner), for 3/5 a square yard.

Lot 2, 8994 yds., a similar plot of land adjoining Lot a was bought at 3s. per square yard, by Mr. Ben Wortley (for Mr. Caleb Kilner).

Lot 3, 3163 yds., a triangular piece of land, suitable for cottage houses, which the auctioneers said were greatly in demand in Conisboro’, and referred to the great works springing up in and around Conisboro’. Intending purchasers were to look out now for the quickest way of getting money, and must not think of in the light of an historical place, etc. This plot was bought by Mr. C. Kilner at 2/4 a square yard.

Lot 4. 5860 yds., not over good site for building purposes. Adjoining lot 3, was gold to Mr. C. Kilner for 1/10 per square yard. Much discussion ensued re a footpath which was claimed by Mr. Godfrey Walker, through the field. ‘s

Lot 5, 1790 yards, near the Ferry farm, – this, the plot of the day, was secured by Mr. C. Kilner for 3/3 per square yard. Considerable bidding took place between Mr. Ben Wortley and Mr. George Walker, of Mexboro’.

Lots 6 and 7. two large grass fields, one near the Board schools, and the other near the Castle Inn, containing 4866 yards. failed to find purchasers. In Lot 7, tenpence per square yard was the highest bid.