Savings Committee

July 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 25 July 1942

 Savings Committee

At a meeting of the Savings Committee last Friday, the secretary, Mr. E. Dabbs, read a letter of appreciation of their work in Warships Week from Able Seaman D. Richards, whose home Is In Claremont Terrace.

The Chairman, Coun. D. Sheldon, said one letter like this made them feel their work was worth while. It was reported that the plaque to be presented to M.T.B. 215 was now completed and as the Admiralty plaque was also ready for handing over it only remained for the local Council to make the necessary arrangements for the ceremony of exchange to take place. It was hoped that this would not be long deferred, because the summer drive covering the period July 20th to September 26th would shortly be in full swing and it was appropriate that an event like this should take place in the midst of the campaign.

Mr. Dabbs explained the Tanks for Attack scheme. The number of tanks to be awarded to any area was dependent upon the size of the population, and on this basis, Conisbrough would be entitled to two. There were three choices of targets to be aimed at. An increase of 20 per cent. In the savings over the corresponding period for last year would entitle the local committee to have its name on two light tanks; on two medium tanks for a 25 per cent. increase, and on two heavy tanks for a 30 per cent. increase.

The committee decided on the highest objective. This task will be more difficult to accomplish than the figures suggest, because as Mr. Dabbs pointed out, the increase has to be on the figures for the corresponding period last year, and as there has been some reduction in current savings, it means that the present’ weekly savings have to be increased by 50 per cent. and in the ten weeks of the drive 115,000 has to be raised.

The Chairman said, “The objective is rather formidable, but we always surmount our obstacles. We haven’t failed before, and we shall not tail this time.” Conisbrough is at a disadvantage compared with most other districts from the point of view of “new business ” by virtue of the tact that 44 per cent. of the population are already members of savings groups and there is therefore less opportunity for tapping new sources.

The secretary was instructed to write all savings group secretaries, urging them to play their part in the drive by making a sustained effort to increase savings and membership during the next ten weeks.