Savings Committee – Warship Week

October 1941

South Yorkshire Times, October 25, 1941

Savings Committee – Warship Week

Conisbrough area has invested over £180,000 in war savings since the outbreak of war in weekly savings are now averaging £1,366.

This was revealed at last Friday’s meeting of the local Savings Committee, presided over by councillors D. Sheldon, when the Chief topic discussed was the forthcoming Warship week, which begins in the area, on December 6.

The secretary Mr E Dabbs said that a cinema van will be available for staging shows throughout the Warship Week while National Savings and Ministry of information films were available for a show lasting 1 1/2 hours, which it was decided to stage at the Epworth Hall on the day before the opening of the week.

He also reported that the Sheffield, Trustee Savings Bank will be prepared to repeat the contribution of £10,000 which they made during the Don and Dearne War Weapons Week, £2,000 of which would be allocated to Conisbrough. The bank had also offered to provide staff for any sales bureau, which had to be set up in the area.

The chairman of the Publicity Committee Mr J.H.Rawding, said that his committee would operate and exchange “close of play scores” at the end of each day, thereby, stimulating the competitive spirit.

Mr J Proctor suggest that photograph a local naval men, as well as messages have to be displayed, and Mr F Kelsall, said he would endeavour to secure a Message from the First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Dudley Pounds, who was his captain afloat during the last war.

Mr Dabbs said that the Personal Contacts Committee, which functioned so effectively during War Weapons would again play a vital part in Warship Week, and it was decided to re-elect the committee en bloc with power to co-opt