South Yorkshire Times, November 30th 1946
Seasonable Wit
At Conisbrough Food Committee Meeting
A discussion on Christmas fare in Conisbrough and Denaby encouraged Conisbrough Food, control Committee on Tuesday to engage in a little seasonable wit.
“Shall we have a number of geese and ducks in the district for Christmas,” County Councillor Ben Roberts, JP (chairman) asked. Mr T Shepherd retorted: “If you got them in the garden,” and Mr JI Webster added: “If you can keep them in the garden!”
Coun. Roberts said that instead of sending the game and poultry to the large towns there ought should be an allocation to the small towns, and although it was pointed out that no guaranteed supplies could be demanded, it was agreed that the food executive officer (Mr R Dunn) should make application on behalf of the urban district.
As the Committee agreed that Conisbrough Urban Council’s new Sanitary Inspector, Mr RE Ingleby, should be asked to attend the Committee’s meetings when occasion demanded, and that whenever possible his prior advice should be upturn in cases of application for food licences on the suitability of the applicant’s business.