Mexborough Times September 7
Assault at Conisboro
At the Guildhall, Doncaster, on Saturday last, Henry Metcalfe, Collier of Conisbrough, was charged with an assault on John Chambers of the same place. The plaintiff (Chambers) said he was a newsagent and station, and resided at Conisbrough.
On Saturday, the 25th ult., He went to the station to meet the 12 o’clock train. On returning, about 40 yards from the station in, met Metcalfe and Goodhall, and he moved to them in the usual manner.
Metcalfe then called him back and asked him how it was he did not get the “supplement” with is Barnsley Chronicle last week. He told him, and that none had come.
Defendant said it was a strange thing. What did he (plaintiff) mean by it? Why could he not be dealt with the same as others? He (defendant) had seen one in a public house. He then called plaintiff a “- liar and “- thief,” and struck him on the face, both fell, and he (defendant) then beat him unmercifully, and said he should like to punch his – ribs in etc.
Metcalfe’s evidence blamed Chambers for being the aggressor
The court dismissed the case.