Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Tuesday 08 June 1909
Sequel to Finding Fresh Lodgings.
Mary Ann Butcher, residing at New Conisborough, was roughly handled on Saturday night in her own house by a collier, named Timothy Hurley.
She was seated on the sofa reading a book when the man entered and sat on the sofa. She said. “Here, my good man, you have got into the wrong house,” and asked him to go out, but he refused. She was bending down to put her boots on to fetch a policeman, when he struck her violently on the side of the head and shoved her against the wall, at the same time threatening that he would strangle her. He struck her on the other side of the head, and, in the struggle, something sharp like a pin entered her finger, and she had to go to a doctor.
A neighbour, hearing her screams, went to her assistance.
Prisoner, who was brought before the Doncaster magistrates yesterday, said he had removed his lodgings, and got into the wrong house.
The Chairman (Mr. Hodgson): That is no reason why you should assault the woman in this way. You are to go to prison for a month.
He was also fined half-a-crown and costs for being drunk and disorderly.